Ücretsiz adrese teslim Solaris 10 işletim sistemi

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Free Sun Solaris 10 Training and Tutorials



* Access Control and System Messaging Configuration (8)
* Apache-MySQL-PHP-SSL (4)
* Archiving and Restoring the System (5)
* Archiving Files and Remote Transfer (11)
* Configuring and Managing Network Applications (15)
* Configuring the Network (22)
* Configuring the Network Interface Layer (3)
* Managing File Systems (23)
* Managing Network Printers and System Processes (11)
* Manipulating and Managing Files and Directories (20)
* Naming Services Setup (12)
* Network Basics (5)
* Performing User and Security Administration (7)
* Searching and Process Manipulation (6)
* Solaris 10 installation (2)
* Solaris 10 OS x64/x86-Based Systems Differences (81)
* Storage Volume Management (12)
* System Boot Procedures (9)
* Using Components of the Desktop System (12)
* Virtual File Systems and Core Dump Management (15)
* Working With the Shell (10)